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List of Problems Identified


Insufficient water for the cultivation.

•Unavailability of quality seeds.

•Shortage of Labor during plantation.

•Crop damage due to pests and natural causes.

•High cost for Fertilizers and pesticides.

•Facing difficulties in protecting the harvested crop.

•Less market value for the Produced crop.

Existing Solutions

While we are searching the internet we found some interesting products that are exist in the market. There are:

Open Storage Systems




Our finalized idea is to create a storage system using tarpaulin, supported with a frame made up of PVC pipes, so that it can hold large quantity of grains. The main purpose of creating the frame is that it can be easily assembled when needed and can be easily dismantled when the purpose is served.

        We will provide a ventilation system using PVC pipes to which humidity and temperature sensors are attached. With the help of these sensors we continuously monitor the humidity percentage and temperature inside the storage system. When the humidity percentage exceeds beyond the required, the air blower gets on and controls the humidity percentage. By this we can avoid the fungus formation.


  • Tarpaulin – 900 sq. ft.

  • PVC Pipes –12*(1 in. - Diameter 3 ft. pipes)

  • PVC pipes –5*(1 in. -Diameter 2ft. pipe)

  • 3 Way Elbows – 8

  • T-Joints – 5

  • Arduino UNO

  • Humidity and Temperature sensor – DHT11

  • Thermo-Transistor – LM35

  • LCD 16*2

  • Air Blower – 500 watt

  • Connecting wires

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